In Defense of Phoning it In

In Defense of Phoning it In Last Saturday, after working over 80 hours, I dragged myself to the grocery store for some ice cream and potato chips. As I stood in line for my purchase, I began to observe some of the polished women at the check-out, many of them characterizing our town that boasted to have the second-lowest crime rate in the country, with one of the highest median incomes. Their homes likely had perfectly landscaped lawns, dazzling Christmas decorations for the holidays, $50,000 minivans in the garage, and fabulous homemade meals, served over a beautifully decorated table, seven days a week. Their children often went to the finest schools, excelled in sports, all while they advanced in their own impressive careers. They did it all, tried their best at all times, and achieved excellence in many of life’s categories. They were stylish, impressive, and exhausted. Yoda once said, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” This is a mantra that seems to be seeping fr...